

Here's One Way to Check That Your Chrome Extensions Are Safe 翻訳記事

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Here's One Way to Check That Your Chrome Extensions Are Safe


In light of the recent DataSpii browser extension leak, where millions of users had their data tracked and sold by seemingly benign browser extensions, it’s worth running a check on other Chrome add-ons you may have installed—or are thinking of installing—to sniff out any bad actors.
最近のDataSpii インターネットブラウザ拡張機能漏洩、一見有益な拡張機能が何百万のユーザーのデータを追跡、検知した問題について考えると、インストールした、もしくはしようと考えているクロームのアドオンが悪さをしていないか検知するのは大事なことだー悪者を見つけ出すために。
To do so, we’ll be using a piece of lightweight software called Chrome Extension Source Viewer that can uncover potentially shady behaviors, like the ability to execute remote code.
そのために、軽量なソフトウェアであるChrome Extension Source Viewerを使おう。リモートのコードを実行する機能のような潜在的な危険性がある動作を見つけ出すことができる。
Before we get to the steps, we should point out that this tool may not catch every dangerous browser extension. The DataSpii add-ons got away with widespread data-tracking by tricking Google and hiding their malicious activity, and it’s possible others could, too. Also, the tool might identify extensions that are completely fine. This is only one item in your security toolbag; some due diligence will still be required to separate good extensions from bad extensions, but at least you’ll have a better idea of what to look up.


Getting started with Chrome Extension Source Viewer
Chrome Extension Source Viewerの使い方
1. Install the Chrome Extension Source Viewer add-on
Chrome Extension Source Viewerアドオンをインストール

2. Open the Chrome Web Store page for each extension you wish to check.
確認したい拡張機能Chrome Web Storeページを開く
3. While on the Chrome Web Store page for an extension, click on the Chrome Extension Source Viewer “CRX” icon next to the URL bar.
4. Click “View Source”.
”View Source”をクリック
5. Wait for the new page to fully load, then find and open the “manifest.json” file.
6. Press F3 or “CTRL+F” to open the page search, and look for “unsafe-eval.”

What does this mean? The “unsafe-eval” content security policy indicates that a particular extension can execute remote code. That can be a security risk depending on what the extension is actually doing—a big enough one, to note, that Mozilla doesn’t allow Firefox extensions in its directory that are set up like this:
“...extensions with ‘unsafe-eval’, ‘unsafe-inline’, remote script, blob, or remote sources in their CSP are not allowed for extensions listed on addons.mozilla.org due to major security issues.”
”'unsafe-eval', 'unsafe-inline', リモートスクリプト、リモートソースを CSP に指定する拡張機能は、主なセキュリティの問題から、addons.mozilla.org に載せる拡張機能には許可されません。”
Again, “unsafe-eval” doesn’t necessarily mean an extension is operating in bad faith. However, it does indicate that you might want to give that extension more scrutiny. Search the web to see if there are any problematic reports about it. If you’re looking to dial down on the number of browser extensions you use—a great security practice—this might help you identify potential extensions you don’t really use all that much and can safely remove.